Austral Airport Network, Sociedad Concesionaria S.A. It is made up of Concesionaria de Aeropuertos del Sur, Spa with a 70% participation and COINTER Chile with a 30% of participation.
The Concession Company was incorporated on the date 22 March 2021, by virtue of Adjudication Decree No. 8 Of date 22 of January of 2021, of the MOP, published in the Official Gazette on 22 March of the year 2021.
Austral Airport Network, is a Concessionary Company whose main objective is to provide services to its users directly and indirectly, according to the provisions of the Bidding Terms, privileging the granting of a quality service and opportunity.
Characterizing itself, for being an airport operating company, whose commitment to the Magallanes Region and Chilean Antarctica, as with the Aysén Region, is to enhance public infrastructure, through development, construction and operation of the Airport Passenger Terminals, improving the conditions and standards of service to all users of the Airport, doing a harmonious work with the community's own needs.
At the Punta Arenas Airport, The Austral Airport Network, bases its strategic management on innovation that considers three fundamental pillars established by our Investors, Occupational Health & Safety, Respect for the Environment and commitment to Technology and Productivity.
Occupational Health & Safety.
Our Commitment, is to provide our employees with an environment where they can carry out their work safely, respecting the applicable legal regulations, in addition to continuously updating work procedures and risk prevention measures.
Quality and environment.
The development and continuous improvement of quality management in all the activities of the
concession, will allow growth and consolidation to be competitive in the offer to users and stand out in the concessioned airport market, Therefore, special care will be taken to develop the Quality Management System in accordance with the ISO standard. 9001.
Sustainable development, by protecting the environment is essential in the development of the Concessionaire Society, Therefore, it will promote the improvement of the participation and environmental awareness of all the collaborators and users of the Concession. The development will be carried out in accordance with the ISO standard 14001.
Technology and Productivity.
Competitiveness and innovation increase from the disposition of our
professionals who with a productive vocation recognize and implement the use of the new
technologies in the services that correspond to the Concessionaire Society.
With the above concepts, an adequate and efficient service to users and commitment of our collaborators will be achieved, allowing compliance with the provisions of the concession contract, achieving the fair economic balance projected by the Concessionaire Society.
Quality and Environment Policy
Airport Network is characterized, for being an airport operating company, whose commitment to the Regions of Coquimbo, of Aysén of General Carlos Ibáñez del Campo and of Magallanes and Chilean Antarctica, is to enhance public infrastructure, through development, construction and operation of the Airport Passenger Terminals, improving the conditions and standards of service to all users of the Airport, doing a harmonious work with the community's own needs, based on an Integrated Management System, under ISO standards 9001 and ISO 14001.
Download our Quality and Environment Policy at the following link.